Kapton®, from DuPont, is suitable for an extensive list of applications: wire and cable tapes, formed coil insulation, substrates for flexible printed circuits, motor slot liners, magnet wire insulation, magnetic and pressure-sensitive tapes, tubing, and many more. Kapton® continues to maintain its status as a unique and sought after industrial material – especially in belting.IMG_4069WEB.jpg

While Kapton® and other polyimides have been used for nearly half a century, their use in belts is a relatively recent development. At Belt Corporation of America, we use the most innovative techniques and advanced materials like Kapton® to fabricate belts to solve a host of engineering problems. Using processes such as molding, wrapping, welding, and grinding to work with these materials, we can create nearly endless belt configurations for a variety of applications.

Kapton_CoverSummary of Kapton® features for specialty belts:

  • Superior in most respects to Mylar® and usable in the same applications.
  • Outstanding capabilities, especially with respect to thickness, uniformity, long life, and temperature.
  • Possesses excellent physical, electrical, and mechanical properties.
  • Exceptional uniformity (to .0001 inch), which is especially useful in applications that involve extremely high or low operating temperatures.
  • Wide range of applications, from computer mechanisms, tape recorders, copiers, printers, etc.

As we continue to explore new and exciting uses for high-quality materials like Kapton®, our specialty belting solutions enhance the efficiency and profitability of our customers’ businesses while meeting their most demanding needs.

To learn more about Kapton® in specialty belting solutions, please download the free e-book “Kapton® and Belting” from our website.

Click here to download Kapton® eBook

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